160 research outputs found

    Automated subject classification of textual web documents

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    Pristupačnost mrežnih stranica hrvatskih narodnih knjižnica

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    In the context of the emerging global information infrastructure, designing web content for all involves necessarily people with special needs and disabilities. The World Wide Web Consortium proposes guidelines and techniques to help web designers create web pages accessible to people with a variety of disabilities and thus ensure more equal access for all. However, following the guidelines would also help anybody searching through the World Wide Web. The intention is not to discourage usage of non-text formats, but to make such content more widely accessible. A research has been conducted in order to determine to what extent Croatian public library web sites conform to the guidelines

    Subject-based knowledge organisation: an OER for supporting (digital) humanities research

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    Humanities scholars can today engage in research inquiry using data from a range of varied collections which are often characterised by poor subject access, often resulting in systems that underperform and even effectively prevent access to data, information and knowledge. In spite of the availability of professional standards and guidelines to provide quality-controlled subject access through knowledge organisation systems (KOS), subject access in such collections is rarely based on KOS. At the same time, KOS themselves may come with problems such as being slow to update, being rigidly structured and not incorporating end-users' vocabulary. It may therefore be useful to consider methods for remediating these deficiencies in KOSs, such as collecting user-generated metadata via social tagging or complementing automated indexing techniques with manual ones. To help address the above problems, the paper discusses these challenges and points to possible solutions in different contexts. It does so by reflecting on an open educational resource (OER) devoted to this theme, titled Introduction to Knowledge Organisation Systems for Digital Humanities. It was developed as part of an EU project called DiMPAH (Digital Methods Platform for the Arts and Humanities), 2021-2023, creating seven OERs for inclusion in DARIAH Teach

    Pristupačnost mrežnih stranica hrvatskih narodnih knjižnica

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    In the context of the emerging global information infrastructure, designing web content for all involves necessarily people with special needs and disabilities. The World Wide Web Consortium proposes guidelines and techniques to help web designers create web pages accessible to people with a variety of disabilities and thus ensure more equal access for all. However, following the guidelines would also help anybody searching through the World Wide Web. The intention is not to discourage usage of non-text formats, but to make such content more widely accessible. A research has been conducted in order to determine to what extent Croatian public library web sites conform to the guidelines

    Standard metapodataka za znanstvene podatke CERIF u implementaciji XML-a

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    Organizacija, očuvanje i umrežavanje podataka iz znanstvenih istraživanja u svim područjima znanstvenog djelovanja neophodan su dio znanstvenog rada. Sve je više svjetskih sveučilišta i znanstvenih projekata koji zahtijevaju da se, osim objavljenih znanstvenih rezultata u radovima, i drugi podaci vezani za istraživanja sačuvaju te učine dostupnima. Ne postoji svjetski konsenzus o standardnom načinu kojim bi se svi ti raznoliki podaci oblikovali i učinili dostupnima. U posljednjih nekoliko godina CERIF (Common European Research Information Format) je iznjedrio kao najprihvaćeni standard, barem u europskom kontekstu. Implementacija koncepcijskog modela jest u XML-u. U radu je opisan sam teorijski model, njegove komponente te su dani primjeri u XML-u. Moguće implikacije za budućnost ukratko su raspravljene

    Publication practices in the Humanities: An in-depth case study of a Swedish Arts and Humanities Faculty 2010-2018

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    This paper is a case study of research publication practices at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Linnaeus University, a young, mid-sized university in the south-east of Sweden. Research output was measured from publications in the local institutional repository following the guidelines of local research policy as defined in university documentation. The data collection comprised 3,316 metadata records of publications self-registered by authors affiliated with the faculty during the period of 2010–2018. A statistical analysis of research output was conducted, focusing on preferred publication types, disciplinary specificity, level of co-authorship, and the language of the publication as registered in the local repository. The analysis focused on two main research questions: 1) how do the local research practices stand in relation to traditional publication patterns in the humanities? 2) how do the observed publication patterns relate to local university policy on publication and research evaluation? The empirical results suggest a limited correlation between publication practices and research incentives from university management, a finding that is corroborated by previous research on the scholarly character of the humanities and university policies. Overall, traditional humanities publication patterns were largely maintained throughout the period under investigation

    Digital humanities as a cross-sector and cross-discipline initiative: Prospects in the Linnaeus University region

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    This position paper presents and analyses thecross-sector and cross-disciplinary Digital Humanities Initiativeat Linnaeus University along the axes of its strengths,weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Our long-term vision is tocreate a leading education in this field and to establish a leadingresearch regional centre that combines in novel ways alreadyexisting expertise from different departments and facultiesworking in close collaboration and co-creation with people anddifferent organizations (both public and private sector) from thesurrounding society